Examination / Inspection of the Pricing Adequacy of Facility Cost Estimate
To control unscrupulous players in the construction market, who pursued their monopoly policies and often bid unrealistically low prices just to keep other companies from participating, as well as to control inexperienced companies that offered a low price to the state through miscalculation, and as a result, the tender remained unfinished because the bid price was not enough to carry out the works. By the Order N12 of the Chairman of the State Procurement Agency of June 14, 2017, an amendment was made to the “Rules for Conducting Electronic Tenders”, according to which “in case the obligation to substantiate the adequacy of pricing is considered in the tender documents, the procuring entity shall ask the bidder to substantiate the adequacy of the pricing if the final price of the bid fixed by it through e-commerce is 20% or more less of the estimated cost of the procurement object.
Adequacy of pricing should be well-grounded by the expert report of the relevant organization, which will confirm the possibility of supplying the procurement object (works) specified in the tender documentation at the price fixed by the bidder. In such a case, failure to substantiate the adequacy of the pricing will result in disqualification of the bidder.
The possibility of fulfilling the contractual obligations with the document(s) certifying the adequacy of the pricing must be confirmed both in relation to the price of the bid (total cost of the estimate) as well as in relation to the estimate units ”.
Considering the existing practice and as a result of refinement of construction culture, today the private sector also follows the state policy and obliges contractor companies to confirm the adequacy of pricing in their own constructions or organization/installation of engineering networks by accredited inspection bodies.
We will review your cost estimate, assess its compliance with the established requirements, average market prices and, if necessary, the project, as well as your resources and capabilities based on the required documentation. If your price and resources are actually sufficient to carry out the work envisaged by the project, you will receive a positive expert opinion confirming the pricing adequacy of your estimate, which will be valid for both the state and the private sector.
In case of a negative conclusion, the discrepancies revealed as a result of the inspection /examination will be indicated.
We have extensive experience in providing similar types of services, therefore:
Our company offers the assessment of the adequacy of pricing in the shortest time possible based on the documentation submitted by you and the preparation of the relevant conclusion.
For convenience, the service is provided electronically, however, you can receive the issued inspection report onsite, in the office, by insured mail.
We guarantee the confidentiality of the information and take full responsibility for the quality of our services, which will be in compliance with the applicable laws of Georgia and the requirements of international standards ISO/IEC 17020:2012/2013.
Our liability is insured in the amount of GEL 500,000.
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